Category: Uncategorized

Advertise your local business

We are busy putting together the programme for H&I Open Gardens on Sunday 12th June and have ONE REMAINING SPACE for a sponsor. The price is £100 for a half page (A6 landscape) advert. We will also display it on our website, where it will stay until we start securing sponsors for the next event…
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February 20, 2022 0
pink achillea

Get growing for Open Gardens!

A very happy year to you all. As the days get longer and we start to plan for the gardening year ahead, we would love your help preparing for the Open Gardens plant stall. This is a great fundraiser for our charities, and a wonderful source of new treasures for your garden. It’s especially great…
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February 2, 2022 0

The gates are open!

Come on in to the first ever Virtual Histon & Impington Open Gardens. All the gardens are now available for your viewing pleasure on our new YouTube channel, Histon & Impington Open Gardens. You’ll have to bring your own tea and scones, I’m afraid. To watch the videos please go to our Histon & Impington…
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July 5, 2020 0

Come into the garden everyone!

Histon & Impington Virtual Open Gardens, Sunday 5 July 2020 Would you like to visit some of Histon & Impington’s beautiful private gardens? Of course you would. Do you want to do so safely, without leaving your home? Yes, we thought so too and that’s why we’ve organised a special, one-off Virtual Histon & Impington…
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July 4, 2020 0

Let us visit your garden – virtually

We know you all miss Open Gardens on the in-between year when it’s not on, so this year we decided to hold a Virtual Open Gardens event on Sunday 5 July to cheer us all up in these difficult times, but we need your help to do it. Would you like to show off your…
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June 12, 2020 0

Border control

This beautiful drought-tolerant border below is looking perfect right now, ready for everyone to visit at one of our brand new gardens, Garden no. 4, Burgoynes House, owned by Gwen and Les Borysiewicz. Their knowledgeable gardeners, Victor Impey and Maeve Polkinhorn, who designed and planted the border, will be on hand to chat to you…
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June 8, 2019 0

The Cambridge Cats are coming!

If you’re taking little ones to Histon & Impington Open Gardens this weekend, be sure to visit the grounds of Histon Manor, where the owners will be doing book readings from their very own children’s book series, Fitz and Will, the Cambridge Cats, by local writer Laura Robson Brown, which follows the adventures of two…
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June 6, 2019 0

Oriental charm

Prepare for some oriental charm at garden number 15 at 3 Cooke Walk in Impington, as its owners have worked hard over the last few years to introduce touches of the Far East onto the blank canvas of the garden of a new house. According to owners Trevor and Phillipa Smith theirs is, ‘A small…
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May 24, 2019 0

Programmes on sale

There are five places where you can buy your programme for this year’s Open Gardens: Station Stores The Geographer Histon Post Office Lighthouse Toys St Andrew’s Café.  They cost £5 now, and will be £6 on the day. We will also be selling programmes on The Green on Saturday May 25th, June 1st and June…
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May 20, 2019 0

Map Available

The map of the gardens has been released, so you can see where this year’s gardens are located.

May 17, 2019 0